Easter Fun at Giraffe

Friday, April 8th, 2016

We had a great time celebrating Easter in Giraffe. The centres did fabulous artwork to decorate their centres for Easter, they made wonderful Easter bonnets for an inter-centre competition, the children had Easter egg hunts and a special visitor turned up to make their hunt even more egg-citing!

Easter Arts and Crafts

In Park West the children created plenty of Easter crafts including painting eggs and making Easter bonnets!

In Northern Cross the children created these Easter chicks!

Easter Bonnet Competition

The staff and children in each of our centres created beautiful Easter bonnets for a competition. There was great friendly rivalry between the centres and everybody worked very hard on their entry!

All the centres showed their creative side with these gems:

Our parents and Facebook audience voted for their favourite. The winning centre was Liffey Valley and they have won a staff night out! Here are the winning bonnets modeled by Sadhbh and Tom!index

Easter Egg Hunt

The boys and girls in Liffey Valley had an Easter egg hunt! They were delighted to search high and low for the eggs and collected them in little baskets!

Our Special Visitor

On the week leading up to Easter we had a very special visitor in all our centres! Can you guess who it was?!?! 🐰

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Gardening with your child

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Easter Egg-citement at Giraffe

The children were all very egg-cited when a special Easter visitor hopped into our creches last week!

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

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