Team Giraffe @ Dublin Mini Marathon
Friday, June 8th, 2018
For the past 4 years, team members from our Giraffe centres have taken part in the Dublin VHI Mini Marathon on the June Bank holiday weekend. 81 of our Giraffe team members took part in the race this year.
This year’s event was held on Sunday instead of on the Monday – and we were all very grateful for the extra day of recovery! The Mini Marathon is one of Europe’s biggest outdoor running events and this year nearly 30,000 participants took part in the run.
Preparations for the big day
Over the last 8 weeks, our teams have trained in the wind and in the rain, but they were so delighted to see the sun shining on Sunday June 3rd!
- Celbridge
- Elm Park
- Elm Park
- Lucan
- Stepaside
- Northern Cross
- Celbridge
- Celbridge
- Griffeen
- Elm Park
- Celbridge
Supporting LauraLynn
This year our Giraffe team members completed the mini marathon in aid of Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice, a very worthy charity and one very close to our hearts here at Giraffe. Each centre has organised a special fundraising event such as bake sale or Super Hero day to help raise vital funds for the children and families who use Lauralynn services.
- Superhero Day Central Park
- Superhero Day Central Park
- Super Hero Day Stepaside
- Superhero Day Central Park
- Superhero Day Central Park
- Stepaside Super Hero Day
Whether walking, jogging or running, the 10KM course is a challenge. The challenge was further increased this year by some very hot weather on the day. It didn’t stop our ladies giving it their best, and completing the race for this extremely good cause. The atmosphere at the event is one of camaraderie and good craic. And whether walking, jogging or running in the event, we knew that each step of our 10km run brought us closer to our goal!
- Team Celbridge
- Team Celbridge
- Team Celbridge
- Team Celbridge
- Team Lucan
- Central Park
- Team Griffeen
- Team Stepaside
- Central Park
- Team Celbridge
- Lucan & Griffeen
- Team Celbridge
- Team Lucan
- Central Park
- Team Celbridge
- Elm Park & Harcourt Road Ladies
- Team Park West
- Elm Park
- Lucan & Griffeen
- Lucan & Griffeen
- Lucan & Griffeen
- Team Stepaside
- Griffeen
As expected, there was some friendly rivalry between the centres, but it was Manuel from Stepaside who was the first person from Giraffe to cross the finish line, completing the 10km run in 49 minutes!!!
Team Stepaside was also the largest team from one centre with 12 participants!
Congratulations to Guiliana from Griffeen who was the fastest jogger from Giraffe, and to Anna from Parkwest who was the fastest walker!
Well done to every one of our staff members who took part on the day.
If you wish to donate, and support this great cause, please click here: Donate to LauraLynn Online.
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